Financial services startups are playing a role in improving underprivileged populationsÔÇÖ access to banking Access to banking is something many people take for granted. But according to the┬áWorld Bank┬áthere are nearly 1.7 billion people around the world with little or no access to any kind of formal financial services. In the US alone, over 6%…
Month: December 2021

Posted by: admin
December 4, 2021
Kripton’s digital asset collection – A DeFi’s Yield Collection
Having lifted millions of people above the poverty line since 2015, provides financial inclusion through mobile money networks in Africa, partnering with M-Pesa, Airtel Money, Tigo Pesa, MTN, and Paytm in India, while Latin America and Southeast Asia are in the pipeline. The cryptocurrency industry is growing, so L-Pesa offers the most sophisticated decentralized…