
Posted by admin, August 26, 2016

The Future of Micro-Financing Is Here With L-Pesa

Micro Loans with Mobile Banking - LPESA Microfinance Tanzania

The Future of Micro-Financing Is Here With L-Pesa

Transformational financial services have become a reality with the introduction of L-Pesa. L-Pesa is a micro-finance service that is set to shake the very foundation of credit services across the globe. Whereas formal financial institutions have lost touch with most people for reasons such as high interest rates, unyielding terms and conditions, and restrictive penalties, L-Pesa has found a way to fill in this gap.

By choosing L-Pesa services, you are choosing a product(s) that will help you lighten your financial burden. This is because of the ease of accessibility to micro-loans, with minimal restrictions and reduced interest rates on all products. You can borrow as little as $1 and up to $3000. There are three main loans which are available at the moment, and these include the current, express and group loans.

Additionally, borrowing with L-Peas is way cheaper than borrowing from other financial institutions. This is because borrowing costs have been kept at an all-time low, courtesy of the reduced interest rates on all its micro-loan products. This means that you can now spread your payments to allow you to pay back at manageable rates. With L-Pesa, you do not need to worry about defaulting on a loan because paying back is so simple. For added convenience, you can fully receive and control your micro-loan through mobile banking.

Transform your finances today by using L-Pesa services. Whether you need money for your personal growth, business development, you name it; you will soon discover that L-Pesa financial services are your secret to financial freedom.

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